Publicação em destaque

"Matei-o" - Teatro

O resultado da junção de 9 monólogos da obra "crimes exemplares" de Max Aub foi este, com confissões peculiares de personagens que no fundo... só queriam sossego, coitadas...

Broken thoughts

Lose all senses
In the present day
Towards imagination
Colliding two worlds
In my head, ok
I might have drink
Too much to remember
How much I have to win

One: You my dear
Two: Me and the fear
So, this collision breaks
All attempts to think
Properly, let’s face it
I’m fucked up, so what?
Never met anyone interesting
Who was a straight line

Welcome to my broken thoughts
It’s an honor to let you in
You might not get out though
So many glasses to crack
Dreadful noise, poison to our ears
Should I pick that up? 
Or dance awkwardly on them?
‘Cause I feel like I lost all the senses

And all I have are broken thoughts
No hurry to fix them.. there are lots

What happened yesterday?
What follows today?
Two worlds colliding
Too many doubts
How the fuck have I end up here?
Well, I guess I am
So fuck it, let’s face it
Broken thoughts aren’t meant to make sense
At all. That’s all.


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