Barry Levinson about Robin Williams: “In ”Good Morning Vietnam,’ there is only about 12 minutes of his radio stuff. That’s the closest thing to doing standup, but there’s no audience. So he’s doing these lines and there’s no laughing, because you can’t, and it’s one thing after another. He would say, ‘Does it work? I’m not sure it works.’ And he was so upset about it. And I’ll never forget, he called me one day and said ‘Listen, if it doesn’t work and if it’s not funny, I’ll personally pay for it so we can reshoot the stuff.’ I said, ‘Robin, believe me, it works. There is more than you can imagine.'” Num mundo onde normalmente os idiotas são desmedidamente confiantes, é sempre bom relembrar que existem e existiram também génios infinitamente generosos e assolados por dúvidas. Dúvidas que não fazem nem faziam no caso de Robin Williams uma pessoa menos capaz, limitada, mas pelo contrário levaram-no a ser incansável na obtenção da gargalhada alheia, uma das maiores c...