Publicação em destaque

"Matei-o" - Teatro

O resultado da junção de 9 monólogos da obra "crimes exemplares" de Max Aub foi este, com confissões peculiares de personagens que no fundo... só queriam sossego, coitadas...


It strikes back
Right where it hurts
Second-guessing again
Fucking confidence
Where are you when you're needed
When you think you figured it out
You're about to get schooled
Life showed up to remind me 

I don't know shit
I don't get it
Fuck it I'm out
Don't want these thoughts no more
"Worry is meditation on shit"
I've heard, I guess I'm Buddha then
These days I'm lost
Just wanna find peace of mind

Right where it counts
I know how it sounds
Just a week ago I could taste it
I tried to trace it
No sign of it

Fucking fool
Change your mood
It's up to you

I'm fighting back
I'm stronger than my other self
I've survived this before
There's all this mess to share
No second-guess
My wings reborn 
The moment my shell cracks.


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"Matei-o" - Teatro